We all realise the importance of Concept Modelling, but how do you involve executive management in it, and how do you keep them engaged? And do you even need to involve executive management? [Video introduction]

We all realise the importance of Concept Modelling, but how do you involve executive management in it, and how do you keep them engaged? And do you even need to involve executive management? [Video introduction]
What are the steps you need to take to align the data strategy and roadmap with the business? John O’Brien will take you through a four step approach covering data architecture components, patterns, integration components and also modern data infrastructure on AWS, Azure, and GCP. [Video introduction]
Practical workshop by Donald Farmer on how to leverage on your analytics efforts and developing this into a line of business. [Video introduction]
Ongebreideld kopiëren van data is aan de orde van dag. Dataminimalisatie betekent dat we zoeken naar manieren om dit te beperken of een halt toe te roepen. Voor elke organisatie biedt minder kopiëren vele voordelen maar wat betekent dat voor uw data-architectuur en hoe pakt u dat aan? [Video intro]
Alec Sharp illustreert de vele manieren waarop conceptmodellen (conceptuele datamodellen) procesverandering en business analyse ondersteunen. [Video introduction]
In this half day virtual seminar John O’Brien will explain the benefits of the DataOps methodology to improve on your Analytics. [Video introduction]