Working with Business Processes

Business processes matter, because business processes are how value is delivered. Understanding how to work with business processes is now a core skill for business analysts, process and application architects, functional area managers, and even corporate executives. This workshop shows how to discover and scope a business process, clarify its context, model its workflow with progressive detail, assess it, and transition to the design of a new process by determining, verifying, and documenting its essential characteristics. Everything is backed up with real-world examples, and clear, repeatable guidelines.

A Business-oriented Approach to Data Modelling

This data modelling workshop by Alec Sharp introduces Entity-Relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement.

Data Privacy en Databescherming – GDPR

De nieuwe Europese General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) vervangt mei 2018 onze Nederlandse privacywet, de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens. Met hoge boetes, een toegenomen bedreiging van datalekken en hacks, de mogelijkheid tot juridische vervolging, het risico op reputatieschade, en dergelijke risico’s is het niet verwonderlijk dat privacy hoog op de agenda staat van alle lagen van een bedrijf of organisatie. In deze workshop met onze ervaren GDPR-specialist Regine Dhaene wordt een concrete datamanagement aanpak behandeld zodat u tijdig de juiste maatregelen kunt nemen.

Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit 2017

Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence conference in which we cover topics such as Data Lake, Agile Data Strategy, Logical Data Warehouse, Data Vault, Hadoop, SuperNova, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, Fast Data. Seize the opportunity to discuss and network with thought leaders in DW/BI such as William McKnight, Mark Madsen, Rick van der Lans, Bart Baesens.

Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit 2016

In general, attending the BI&DW Summit helps organizations to upgrade their current BI systems to future-proof BI systems, systems in which analysis of big data has been added, in which streaming data plays a role for real-time analytics, and in which self-service is more governed.

Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit 2015

More data, more users, more reports, more extensive forms of analytics, and more up-to-date data are the demands for BI systems today. The key question organizations have to ask is whether their traditional data warehouse architecture is resilient and scalable enough to support these new demands. The same question we can ask ourselves for the traditional data integration and reporting tools we deploy.

Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit 2014

The focus of the first 30 years of data warehousing and business intelligence was on informing business users on what had happened in the organization through enterprise and ad-hoc reports. This focus is shifting drastically. BI environments will have to show what can, may, and should happen within the organization. Analytics, big data, and agile BI are going to be keywords for a long time to come. But adopting these concepts is not a simple matter of installing a new tool. In this unique two-day BI/DW conference, four internationally acclaimed independent BI analysts will help you find your way in this technological labyrinth and explain the organizational impact.

Business Analyse Technieken

In deze training worden de belangrijkste Business Analyse technieken alsook enkele minder bekende technieken behandeld en geoefend, waardoor u een betere business analist wordt. Deze technieken bieden een pragmatische oplossing voor o.a. scoping, stakeholder management, het bepalen van de behoeften van een interne of externe klant (requirements analyse), het modelleren van bedrijfsprocessen met DFD en BPMN diagrammen, en het communiceren over bedrijfsprocessen, problemen en oplossingen via mindmaps en brown paper sessies.
Tijdens de workshop past u deze technieken zelf toe in een case study die als een rode draad door de workshop loopt, en die aldus op verschillende niveaus wordt uitgewerkt en verfijnd.


Release keeps its readers up-to-date on the latest developments in the wide scope of software engineering. New tools, skills and methodologies, in particular Agile, Scrum, UML and the like play a major role in Release. All of this without entirely discarding ‘good old 4GL’ and related products. Special attention is given to essentials such as project planning, team development using techniques such as Scrum, and maintaining those lines of legacy code. We always keep an eye on new developments in architecture and organizational aspects such as DevOps, Microservices and Cloud development on platforms like Azure. Furthermore Release offers a wealth of content including software reviews, blogs by thought leaders, interviews, videos and an up to date calendar of events.


BI-Platform is THE independent portal on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Management and Big Data in The Netherlands. Therefore it is the starting point for anyone who works with the collection, investigation, analyzing and presentation of Business and management information and who wants to stay up-to-date on the newest developments.
BI-Platform was launched in 2008 and covers topics such as BI and self-service BI, data warehouse automation, data management, relational and NoSQL databases, data modelling, data warehousing, data quality, tools, data migration, data integration, ETL, corporate performance management and of course Big Data and Analytics. BI-Platform closely monitors trends and developments, informs with background stories and delivers practical tips & tricks. In addition, access is provided to a wealth of content, including the online articles archive with blogs, interviews, videos and more. We also provide the foremost recruitment portal for professionals in the business intelligence and data management community.