Keith McCormick will present a keynote during the Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit on March 25th and 26th 2020: ‘Data Preparation for Machine Learning. Why Feature Engineering Remains a Human-Driven Activity’. Also afterwards he will present an unique post-conference workshop: Putting Machine Learning to Work.
Keith McCormick is a highly accomplished professional senior consultant, mentor, and trainer, having served as keynote and moderator at international conferences focused on analytic practitioners and leadership alike. Keith has leveraged statistical software since 1990 along with deep expertise utilizing popular industry advanced analytics solutions such as IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM SPSS Modeler, AMOS, Answer Tree, popular open source and other tools involving text and big data analytics. Keith McCormick has guided organizations to establish highly effective analytical practices across industries, to include public sector, media, marketing, healthcare, retail, finance, manufacturing and higher education.
In Data preparation it is important how the human modeler creates a dataset that is uniquely suited to the business problem. In his session ‘Data Preparation for Machine Learning. Why Feature Engineering Remains a Human-Driven Activity’ Keith McCormick will expose analytic practitioners, data scientists, and those looking to get started in predictive analytics to the critical importance of properly preparing data in advance of model building. He will present the critical role of feature engineering and explaining how to do it effectively.
Furthermore, Keith McCormick will present a hands-on post-conference workshop: ‘Putting Machine Learning to Work’. In this workshop, suited for Data Scientists, Technology Planners, Consultants, Business Analysts and Analytics Projectleaders, Keith will show which machine learning-methods are best fit for business requirements and how to gain value from them.
Extensive programme
The Datawarehousing & Business Intelligence Summit takes place on March 25th and 26th 2020 in the Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht, The Netherlands. This seventh edition of the DW&BI Summit will offer a two-day extensive programme with keynotes from speakers within the Business Intelligence field like Keith McCormick, Wayne Eckerson, Dave Wells, Nigel Turner, Rick van der Lans, Peter Boncz, Egge van der Poel, Antoine Stelma, Piethein Strengholt and Tim Schulteis. Again this year the DW&BI Summit brings a very strong line-up of speakers that are willing to share their insights with you. Key subjects this time will be topics like Database Technology, Analytics, Datawarehousing, Data modeling, Data storytelling, Machine Learning, DataQuality and lots more.